
Pursuant to Public Act 102-0177, the General Assembly will fulfill their responsibilities to draw districts to implement new Chicago elected school board districts.

This website will service as a resource for parents, education advocates and community organizations to stay updated and contribute their thoughts, concerns and ideas to be considered throughout this process.

To learn more about this process, click here.

If you would like to testify or submit written testimony to the Special Committee on the Chicago Elected Representative School Board contact us at ChicagoERSBCommittee@senatedem.ilga.gov.



De conformidad con el Public Act 102-0177, la Asamblea General cumplirá con sus responsabilidades para dibujar los distritos para implementar la nueva junta de educación electa de Chicago.

Este sitio de internet es un recurso para que los padres, promotores de la educación y las organizaciones comunitarias se mantengan al tanto y contribuyan con sus ideas y preocupaciones para que sean consideradas a lo largo del proceso.

Para obtener más información sobre este proceso, dé clic aquí.

Si usted desea testificar o someter un testimonio por escrito al Comité Especial sobre la Junta Escolar de Representantes Electos de Chicago contáctenos en ChicagoERSBCommittee@senatedem.ilga.gov.

Proposed Chicago Elected School Board Map - Senate Bill 15


Proposed Chicago School Board Map

Proposed Chicago School Board Map

Proposed District Map

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